What to do in Treviso

Treviso, the garden of Venice.
The proximity to some important road and water arteries, allowed Treviso to become a lively commercial center of Venetia and Histria since ancient times. Discover more about Treviso history.

Tourism in Veneto

Veneto recalls every year many tourists from all over the world.


We share the passion for bikes and we are glad to accommodate cycle tourists in our facility. Centro della Famiglia, thanks to the partnership with FIAB, is the first Guest house “BIKE FRIENDLY” in Treviso.

In addition to that, the location of the B&B is very interesting since it is close to various Cycling routes: Girasile, which leads from the source of Sile river to Venice lagoon; Monaco Venice cycle route, Treviso Ostiglia, Montello hills where recent world cycling championship have been held. Eventually, it is very close to the starting point of Granfondo Pinarello.

May 10, 2016
cicloturismo - B&B Centro della Famiglia Treviso

Cycle track Munchen Venice

In Baviera e in Tirolo, la pista ciclabile Monaco di Baviera-Venezia segue il percorso già esistente della Via Bavarica Tyrolensis.


Treviso is a vibrant city, and the city calendar is rich in sport, cultural and food events. Below are the events expected shortly.